

unWined Manifesto

Wine is a wonderful drink which like groundwater “springs” in various places around the world. Seemingly it should be the same blend of grape-derived flavours and alcohol and yet it definitely reveals a very different side in each of those “springs”. In some places it is comfortably familiar, in others can be striking and surprising. Wine drinking is one of the greatest pleasures in life and undoubtedly a sure way to unwind (or unWined). Well, it definitely is for the author of this blog! Our mission here is quite simple – make wine accessible. I want to contradict the usual stuffed aura surrounding wine; that’s it’s an elitist drink and you need lots of knowledge to enjoy it in its full form and variety. I believe that anybody can find enjoyment in wine, it’s just a matter of some fun experimentation to find the right fit for you. And there’s plenty to choose from, no matter your taste or the size of your wallet! In this blog, you’re going to find accounts from various trips to unWined, always focused on this most extraordinary beverage. I encourage you to join me on this journey of discovery to taste from a myriad of wine springs around the world. To meet winemakers and find out about the places that shaped them. Shall we begin?

Cafe in Alsace.
Defined by terroir - winemaking in Alsace
As I drove towards Alsace from the east, the view unfolding before me was exactly as the wine guidebooks described this French region. A sea of clouds nestled peacefully atop the Vosges mountains, creating...
Inside a bodega.
Sherry - the heritage of Andalusia
Dear wine lovers, let’s discuss sherry. Have you heard about it before? What comes to your mind when you think about it? Rather sweet, technically a wine, but more like a liqueur? At least in Poland, from...
Black bear from free domain.
Virginia, USA - wine in the black bear country
If only I paid more attention to what I was reading. ‘’Virginia is the third largest wine producing state in the US. Most of its wine is only available directly in the local wineries. It’s a really unique...
View from Montepulciano.
Tuscany - more than a cliché? - part 1
For a wine lover Tuscany is a true classic, sometimes to a point of inadvertently becoming a cliché. Mesmerising views, mediaeval villages and hoards of American tourists – everybody knows that!...
Dwór Kombornia.
Carpathian Wine Bar
We’ll make our start in a place that’s probably totally alien to many people and definitely not associated with wine, i.e. a Sub-Carpathian region in Poland! One summer day, we found ourselves in a city...
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